Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010- Day 3

The final day of my three day weekend was spent with Shaylee. I took her to this pottery painting place here in town called Get Your Paint On. You pick a piece of unfinished pottery or a figurine, pick your paint colors, and have a blast painting. Then you leave the items there to be fired in the kiln and they call you when they are ready to be picked up. Nils and I had a date here once before and really enjoyed ourselves and as interested in art as Shaylee is, I just knew she'd love it too.

I had already pre-purchased a dragon figurine for the new baby at the last Girls Night Out that I attended at Get Your Paint On, so I got to paint it finally. Shaylee chose to paint a Disney's The Little Mermaid, Ariel, figurine. I helped her pick all the right colors and she went to town!

 I was amazed that she paid such close attention to the details of the piece, knowing what needed to be colored each color. Most three year olds would just slop the paint on where ever, but Shaylee took great care to be sure that Ariel's hair was red, her skin was flesh tone, her top was purple, and Flounder, her fish, was yellow.

I can't wait to pick them up and see what they look like all finished! We had such fun, and Shaylee was sooooo good that I hope to do this again with her real soon. She already has a list of the other pieces she wants to paint, as do I!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010- Day 2

I finally finished my baby registry at Babies R Us! I decided to use it as my only registry (you might remember reading my post about since the other was a little bit more difficult for people to buy from (too many "this is what you have to do" rules). Plus everyone is familiar with Babies R Us! Even those that don't like close to one are able to shop online easily, or find the same items at Toys R Us in some cases.

Anyways, its finally complete! The only thing missing is clothes, since we don't know the gender of Baby K yet. Anyhow, the lady at Babies R Us actually suggested we DIDN'T register for baby clothes only because clothes are seasonal and what we might register for now, or even later, may or may not be available when people start shopping. That and she said clothes show up funny on the registry and are very difficult to read which may prevent some people from trying to buy clothes on the registry anyways. She said the best thing to do is to use any gift cards we receive to buy them, or buy them ourselves. Not a half bad idea, considering I have 10 pages now of other registry goodies! Yikes!

Some MUST HAVES on my registry include:
  • The entire Avent feeding system which includes extra bottle nipples (2 packs of 2 in every stage); the Avent All in One gift set which includes a bottle sterilizer and warmer plus formula/snack cup and bottle brush; BPA free bottles in each size (4 ounces, 9 ounces, and a few 11 ounces); even transition soft spouts and handles that convert the bottles into sippy cups when Baby K gets older (how cool is that, you don't have to buy new cups!); and the Avent BPA free breast milk storage set.
  • The Avent Electric Breast Pump Duo- my most expensive item on the list at around $260, but also at the very, very top of my 'must haves'....I also registered for the car adapter so I can go out to my car, put on some relaxing music and pump on my lunch hour once I return to work after Baby K is born. I learned that it also has a manual hand pump so if there is no power (example- hurricane season) I can still use it (which means I saved about $50 on the manual hand pump one that was also on the registry before I learned this). After owning several different bottle brands with Shaylee, Avent was my favorite as it was not only a good bottle (less leaking, except if pieces weren't inserted correctly of course) but were one of the easiest to clean. And with using only one brand, all the pieces would match up- no more hunting to find the right lid or insert for each cup!
  • Moby wrap (sling)- I have always wanted one of these with Shaylee and see countless of times where having one would save me a lot of headache...and backache too for that matter!
  • Fisher Price Papasan Cradle My Little Lamb swing- I had been eyeing another swing for a while but after spending about 20 minutes in front of the two in the store, reading the boxes and examining the floor models, I decided on this one. I can not, repeat, can NOT be without a swing with a baby- they are lifesavers!
  • Huggies Huggies Huggies! You can NEVER have enough diapers! Or wipes! Plus they have been very generous with sending me coupons, and are available in bulk at Costco's so they are the chosen diaper of choice...and wipes too....for Baby K.
The rest of the items are more 'wants'- things I could live without or hopefully would be able to pick up later on our own. It was lots of fun taking my sweet time walking up and down the aisles, completely lost in my own little world, looking at all the new stuff that's available now that wasn't when Shaylee was a baby, even though it was only about four short years ago. I "oohed" and "awed" at all the tiny baby clothes (especially the baby booties, OMG they are so teeny tiny!) without feeling rushed or being distracted. I called it my 'baby fix' as this early in the pregnancy, other than a slightly expanding stomach each week, there isn't too much else going on- its too early for birthing classes, I can't afford prenatal yoga, and the baby hasn't begun moving- so this was one of the most exciting "happenings" right now.

I am very excited to welcome baby #2 into our lives, I only hope that with all the baby necessities, that there is still going to be room in our house for us!

Baby registry #45187129

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

What a gorgeous day it was! My parents took Nils, Shaylee and I out boating, the first time in almost two years. That's right- TWO YEARS! The weather was beautiful, the water perfect and blue, and best of all, no sign of the oil spill that's far out in the Gulf, thank goodness! I got to wear my new maternity bathing suit, and as pale as I am for not seeing the sun in two years, I didn't get more than slightly pink (thank you SPF 60!). Shaylee got to fly her first kite- property of my dad's friend's son (much to his displeasure) and spend the majority of the day splashing around in the water. It was the perfect way to kick off an extending weekend!
I love the kite owner's expression here- can you tell he was less than pleased with having to share? LOL!

Shaylee and Poppa in the water- love those water noodles for floating!
Shaylee, swimming in her life vest.
14 weeks pregnant and showing off my 'hot momma' beach body!
Nils kicking back and chilling with a book, free from the stresses of work and being a supervisor!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

14 Weeks Prego! Belly Pics!


This week's big developments: Our baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his/her thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his/her facial muscles are getting a workout as his/her tiny features form one expression after another. His/her kidneys are producing urine, which he/she releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he/she will keep up until birth.

Our baby is really stretching out. From head to bottom, he/she measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he/she weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His/her body's growing faster than his/her head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his/her arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his/her body. (His/her legs still have some lengthening to do.) He/she is starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his/her body. Baby K's liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and his/her spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though I can't feel his/her tiny punches and kicks yet, our little pugilist's hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active.  Definitely not a gummy bear anymore but a real teeny tiny person!

My all-day queasiness is becoming more and more rare, thank goodness. My cravings are pretty much the same as before- cheese, red meat, Mexican food (especially tacos and nachos), pickles and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Same stuff different week. I still LOVE sleeping, I still get that weird pain in my right side just under my right breast, but thankfully that strange and itchy rash I had between my cleavage is near gone- its only a patch of dry skin that is slightly darker than the rest of my skin.

 My newest pregnancy symptom is what can best be described as round-ligament pain. Round ligaments are attached to each side of the upper uterus and to the pelvic side wall. During pregnancy and the growth of the uterus, these ligaments are stretched and pulled. My movements can stretch and pull these ligaments causing discomfort and at times, pain. If I stretch my arms up over my head too far in a big yawn, I can get a pain in my side. I noticed I get them more while I am sleeping, which in a way, to me, is like when my body is doing the most growing and stretching so I shrug it off. Best to have the most symptoms when I am focused on them the least than during the day when I am super-alert to any changes in my body.

Bending at the waist is getting harder and harder. Things like lifting my foot to put my pants on while sitting is getting more and more difficult as I am very aware of the little rock hard lump of a uterus in my belly. Our little baby is really in there!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

13 Weeks Prego! Belly Pic!

13 weeks! Baby K is now about 2 1/2 inches to 3 inches long and weighs about 1/2 and 3/4 ounce. Fingerprints have formed on our baby's tiny fingertips, her/ his veins and organs are clearly visible through her/his still-thin skin, and her/his body is starting to catch up with her/his head — which makes up just a third of her/his body size now. If we are having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Crazy right?!

I am doing well, better every day! The queasiness is starting to be less and less every day unless its been a few hours since I last ate. Only real cravings now is sleep! I found that quick little 20 minute power naps work best, although life and family don't always allow it!

Only complaints this week is that I continue to get pain in my chest on the right side, just under my breast. I had the same EXACT pain in the same EXACT location with Shaylee- I remember because it was so constant and last almost the entire pregnancy. Still have no idea what it is, I just know that I am not looking forward to it nagging me daily for the next several months. It feels like something under the skin is getting hard and then when you touch this area it is painful, like pressing on a bruise. I used to think it was Shaylee pushing up, since it was most painful after I could feel her moving- with this pregnancy, its occurring a lot sooner. And I can completely rule out the theory that its the baby pushing up on that area since he/she after all is no bigger than a peach right now! Placing a small heating pad on the area relieves the pain mostly, and being horizontal helps so usually right after work, the first thing I do is lay down with my awesome Boppy Total Body Pillow.

A huge milestone is coming up next week- the start of my 2nd trimester! This is super exciting as it means my risk of miscarriage has gone down tremendously! They say the 2nd trimester is the best as the early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness have nearly faded and the aches and pains of the final stretches of pregnancy have not yet set in. Bring on the 2nd trimester!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Today I had an OB/GYN appointment checkup. My appointment, made about four weeks ago was suppose to be at 3:50pm, and they requested I be there at 3:40. So naturally, I got there around 3:25. Checked in. Grabbed a magazine. And waited. Read a chapter in one of my baby books. And waited. Watched an entire episode of some game show. And waited. Watched over half of today's Oprah episode. And waited.

At 4:53pm I finally got up and asked the receptionist if she could check how much longer the doctor was going to be as I had already been waiting for over an hour and had to make arrangements with my grandmother to watch Shaylee longer than expected. I kept my cool, even though I was irate. I HATE when you have an appointment and are still kept waiting, and this was the longest I have ever waited for an appointment ever. Nils was also losing patience, despite having a new Game Informer magazine to thumb through. The receptionist checked and said someone would be with me in a minute...and true to her word, about a minute later, a nurse came in, apologizing like crazy.

She stated it was completely her fault, she thought I was getting an ultrasound and was waiting for me to come out. They just went to electronic record system and this was only the second day so things were chaotic and everyone was still trying to get used to it all. I understood, I know what its like when you have to rely on computers.

 In fact, the nurse and even the doctor were so apologetic that they offered me three free 4D ultrasounds (like over a $300 value!) for the inconvenience! Suddenly that wait didn't seem that long at all! And after getting a quick urine sample, my blood pressure, and a quick listen to our baby's heartbeat (healthy, loud and strong!) we were out the door with a 4D ultrasound set up for me at 16 weeks, 26 weeks and again at 34 weeks! For free! I guess patience does pay off and good things come to those who wait!

P.S- I weighed in at 159 lbs, which means I have gained 9 pounds in 12 weeks, since getting pregnant; and three pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago. They suggest I aim for no more than 25 lbs, 30 max. I gained about 35-40 with Shaylee.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

12 Weeks Prego! Belly Pic!

Our newest addition now weighs about 1/3 to 1/2 ounce and is almost 2 1/2 to 3 inches long! Baby K's size has almost doubled in the past three weeks! All major structures have already formed and now its time to just grow, grow, grow! The skeletal system will now have bone formation. Fingers and toes will have separated and nails are growing. Hair is appearing on the body and external genitalia are beginning to show distinct signs of boy or girl (we are still hoping its a boy!). Our baby has its very own unique fingerprints too! The digestive system is capable of producing contractions that push food through the bowels. Hormones are being made, the nervous system has developed further,  and our little gummy bear is moving about even though I can't feel it yet.  I read that this week, stimulating the fetus in certain spots may cause it to squirt, open its mouth and move its fingers or toes. In fact, if I press on areas of my belly, Baby K may move away! Our "gummy bear" is looking less like its cute nickname and more like a human baby, fully formed just extremely tiny! His or her face looks unquestionably human: the eyes have moved from the sides to the front of the head, and the ears are right where they should be.

So far this week, I have been feeling about the same. The queasiness appears more when I haven't eaten and finally diminishes after a snack. It helps too that I have been snacking alot! I am slightly worried about how much I will weigh in at my OB/GYN appointment tomorrow! And of course all the things that sound good now a days are things that I probably shouldn't be eating in excess. My cravings seem to vary week by week, I have noticed. This week I can not get enough white grape fruit juice! And nachos! My office has a catering company that is there daily with an ever changing menu but always has tacos and nachos on Tuesdays. Tuesdays are the only days I buy my lunch....I didn't realize it was a true craving until I thought back on how many times I have bought my lunch in the last couple weeks!

Some less then desirable pregnancy occurrences have got to be the wicked rash I have formed on my cleavage! Ugg! I am going to ask my doctor about it tomorrow but from what I can gather from the baby books is that is it could be a number of different things, all of which are common in pregnancy. Its been bad- very itchy to the point where I'd break the skin- but is finally getting better. Now its just a dry patch of red skin.

I am also getting the nagging pain in the upper right side, just under my right breast. I remember having this same exact pain in the same exact location when I was pregnant with Shaylee! I still haven't been able to figure that one out. Another thing to bring up with the doc I suppose.

And lastly, my only real complaint is the pain I get in my tailbone and the occasional shooting pain that runs from my butt and down my leg which I also had quite bad with Shaylee. My doctor then diagnosed it as sciatica....and apparently its back! And much sooner than I expected! My Boppy Total Body Pillow that Nils bought me has done wonders already as far as the unique design follows the body line to offer support and realignment for neck, belly, back and hips.I know this pregnancy is going to be a lot easier at night than it was with Shaylee just because of this pillow!

Speaking of sleep, its now one of my favorite things to do! I can't seem to get enough! Nils has been completely wonderful and understanding with this pregnancy. He encourages getting rest and has been waiting on me, hand and foot! He is good about helping out with Shaylee when I lay down on the couch after dinner and has done more cooking of dinner than I have in weeks. He's been so great! I think he understands that I have had more pregnancy symptoms and sooner than I did with Shaylee. I am so blessed to have him!

Finally word is getting around at work that I am indeed pregnant. Those that questioned whether I was are now able to safely say they can tell I am! Everyone who hears I am pregnant now are like "I thought you were but didn't want to ask!" so I suppose that means my belly is round enough and shaped less like I had one too many mint chocolate ice cream sundaes and more like a mommy to be! Now all anyone can ask is "do you know what you are having?" and " when do you find out?". And my answer is always the same, "not yet" and " not soon enough!" I am so excited!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

11 Weeks Prego- Belly Pics!

Our lil' fetus will be gaining a substantial amount of weight this week and has already achieved fruit-size-status comparable to a plum. What's more, our little scientist is already starting to explore their body, focusing most intently on touching their head, and especially their face and mouth.Their mouth in particular will provide them with hours of entertainment. This happens not only because our baby is gaining coordination, and is therefore able to move a hand on command, but also because their palms have gained sensation and can actually “feel...” what it touches.They're also developing their swallow reflex this week. And lastly, our baby's smelling and other olfactory senses will begin developing this week, which when combined with the maturing taste buds, will provide our baby with their first experiences of taste and smell.

This week I have been under an abnormal amount of stress at work but otherwise have been feeling a bit better- not quite as tired or nauseous I have been in the past. Nothing else has changed, I am still excited as ever- just can't wait until I can feel Baby K moving!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Baby Gender Invitations are Done!

I finally finished the invitations to our baby gender reveal party at Sweet Baby of Mine 4D Ultrasounds! And I have to say I am mighty proud of the way they came out! Very professional in my opinion. The photo you see here is actually a scan of the actual invitation but for some weird reason it looks like the scan cut off the very top and very bottom of the invitation...hmm, weird. Anyhow, the invitations are going to go out later this month primarily for immediate family. A special one has been created for our long distance relatives since they obviously will not be able to attend (unless they plan on making a surprise trip to Florida, LOL!) This place sounds so cool because they have a way out of state relatives and friends can still be a part of it all! Sonostream!

Thanks to Sonostream LIVE technology, you can now experience the sights and sounds of our ultrasound session in real-time (during our appointment) as well as later on-demand (after the appointment). Imagine being able to sit at your computer and share in our reveal as though you were right there in the room with us! See our precious addition as he or she smiles, yawns, or flexes those little fingers LIVE! Imagine being able to hear our reactions as everyone sees the baby’s gender for the very first time together in live 4D motion!

If you would like to participate, all you need is your email address to access Sonostream to set up your account. Once your account is established you will be charged a small one time fee of $12.95 and will be reminded of the date and time of the ultrasound should you want to view it as its happening in real-time. You’ll also have access to the recorded ultrasound stream on-demand so you can watch it at a later date and as many times as you’d like. I know those time differences can be pretty drastic from coast to coast! All I have to do is send out the special link for them to set up their account and they too can be part of this special and exciting moment!

We are so excited! We are confident it is gonna be a boy. In fact, I feel 99% sure of it! We only hope we are right! Of course, of course, we'd be happy with either gender and want nothing more than it to be a healthy baby, but we still have our preferences! We are so confident that we have already purchased a little pair of shorts and a teeshirt, very obviously designed for a boy, but still have the backup that Babies R Us, the store they were purchased from, has a 90 day return policy so fortunately we will already know the gender before the return policy expires!