Sunday, July 15, 2007

Shaylee's Homemade Snuggle

My grandmother has this blanket she got from some relatives of mine from California. Its fleece with one side having a California state print and the other a solid color. Instead of the two sides being sewn together they are cut into strips and knotted- making it one of those No- Sew Fleece blankets that seem to be so popular at the craft store. Nils took me to JoAnn Fabrics as I wanted to make one for Shaylee since she likes to finger the little knotted tabs on my grandmother's blanket when she is falling asleep. It took me forever to decide on a fleece fabric, I couldn't decide between getting one that matched the living room- like a leopard print; one that matched the bedroom, or one that was just pretty for a little girl. I decide- okay, Nils actually decided to get the pink one that has all these cute sayings on it like "Snuggle Bunny", "Baby Dreams", "Sweet Pea", and "Bundle of Joy". I gotta say it came out pretty cute and only took me about half and hour to make. I plan on making one for the living room and another for the bedroom if I can find the right patterns. Here some pics I got of Shay-Shay and her new homemade "Snuggle".

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