Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Luteal Dip= Implantation?

Another low temperature this morning. However, upon further reading into this matter, I was relieved to read that did a study regarding a luteal phase dip to find out once and for all if seeing a dip in the luteal phase, around the time of expected implantation, increased the probability of pregnancy. If conception occurred, implantation (when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall) typically happens seven to ten days after ovulation, but it can happen a few days earlier or later as well (yesterday was day 6 and today is day 7 for me).

So they ran a full statistical analysis on 116,691 charts recently processed by Fertility Friend, both pregnancy charts and charts that did not result in pregnancy. To be considered as a dip, charts had to show a significant single dip that lasted a single day, occurring between 5 and 12 days past ovulation.

What they found was that 11% of charts that showed ovulation but did not result in a pregnancy displayed this pattern BUT 23% of charts that showed ovulation and did result in a pregnancy showed this pattern. Of the pregnancy charts that showed this pattern, the most likely days for the dip to occur were between 7 and 8 days past ovulation. I am day 7! This dip could be implantation! I could be pregnant! xx crosses fingers xx

If this is implantation, that would make me exactly 3 weeks pregnant already! Read on:

“The fertilized egg, which is now a ball of cells, will continue to move down your fallopian tube until it reaches your uterus. It will stay there for approximately three days before it embeds itself in your uterine lining. This is implantation. During implantation the fertilized egg can attach to the lining of your uterus and begin to receive protection, oxygen and nutrients from your bloodstream.

Your baby-to-be is still just 0.014 to 0.04 inches in size (0.36mm to 1mm). Though your future baby is still minuscule, great developments are being made. The placenta and vascular networks are forming. Germ layers that develop into specialized parts of the body, such as organs are also developing. Cells continue to divide. Some cells will become the placenta and others will form the amniotic sac where the baby will develop. Other cells will become the yolk sac which is responsible for producing blood corpuscles. In spite of the rapid cell division that is taking place, your baby is so tiny right now that he or she is barely visible. This is the week that your baby will transform from a blastocyst (a ball of cells) into an embryo.

The embryo at this time becomes differentiated into three different tissue-types: The inner layer, called the endoderm, will form the lungs, liver, digestive system and pancreas. The middle layer, called the mesoderm, will become the skeleton, muscles, kidneys, blood vessels and heart. The outer layer, called the ectoderm, will become the skin, hair, eye lenses, tooth enamel and nervous system. The cells from each type of tissue will move around to the appropriate location. The embryo is shaped like a teardrop. “

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